
Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination Library (TACL)

The Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination Library (TACL) provides a viable methodology and platform for access and findability of rural and tribal transit coordination resources across a broad range of transportation technical assistance centers and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

The FTA-funded Technical Assistance (TA) Centers participating in this ongoing work are:

  • National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC)
  • National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT)
  • National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM)
  • National Rural Transit Assistance Program (National RTAP)
  • Shared Use Mobility Center (SUMC)
  • Transit Workforce Center (TWC)

The TACL Task Force uses a systematic review process for resources included in the database. New resources will be added on a quarterly basis. Let us know if you would like to serve as a peer reviewer for our resources.

Why was TACL created?

The United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) published Public Transportation: Enhanced Federal Information Sharing on Coordination Could Improve Rural Transit Services in January 2020. GAO recommended that FTA “develop a communication plan that will effectively share information with state and local stakeholders on coordination opportunities in an accessible and informative way.” This effort was created to improve interagency resource coordination between FTA and its five TA Centers.

How can TACL be used?

TACL resources can be used to identify high quality technical assistance on transportation coordination. The resources can be used for research, training, practice, operations, planning, and other purposes. We encourage authors to cite TACL resources.

Ready to get started?

Visit Click on the Training tab at the top for instructions.

If you have a question about TACL, or if you would like to be considered to become a TACL peer reviewer, please contact

FTA’s Technical Assistance and Workforce Development Program (49 U.S.C. § 5314) and the Public Transportation Innovation Program (49 U.S.C. § 5312) fund technical assistance centers through national nonprofit organizations across a number of areas to improve public transportation. These nonprofit partners and the work they do play a critical role in supporting public transit agencies. Their services help to:

  • Improve transportation for older adults and people with disabilities
  • Drive the adoption of mobility management and related promising practices
  • Accelerate innovative mobility practices and strategies
  • Support rural communities
  • Leverage new transit technologies
  • Train the public transit workforce
  • Provide workforce development technical assistance
  • Support research projects selected by the transit industry that address day to day issues
  • Support the transit industry meet safety regulations

National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT)

The National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT) delivers expert, focused technical assistance to transit agencies and organizations in rural areas and small cities to use or develop transit technologies and innovations that make services more cost-effective and efficient. N-CATT’s work supports FTA’s mission and focus on innovation by developing and supporting transit programs and services in rural and small-city America.

National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC)

The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) is a national technical assistance center funded by FTA with guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Community Living to promote the availability of transportation options that serve the needs of people with disabilities, seniors and caregivers with a focus on the Section 5310 program and other transit investments. NADTC supports the delivery of more effective, efficient, high-quality and coordinated specialized transportation services that maximize federal investments. NADTC provides technical assistance, information and referral; develops field training; implements interactive communication and outreach strategies; and supports communities in assessing their needs and developing innovative transportation solutions.

National Rural Transit Assistance Program (National RTAP)

The National Rural Transportation Assistance Program (RTAP) was established by FTA in 1987 to provide a wide range of professional services and products. National RTAP addresses the training and technical assistance needs of rural and tribal transit programs across the nation and supports state RTAP programs. National RTAP provides comprehensive free technical assistance programs and resources including training materials, webinars, newsletters and technical briefs, peer resources, research, and innovative technology initiatives. The National RTAP also manages the Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination Library (TACL), which provides a sustainable methodology and platform to access resources across a diverse range of transportation technical assistance centers and FTA.

Shared-Use Mobility Center (SUMC)

The Shared-Use Mobility Center is a public-interest organization dedicated to achieving equitable, affordable, and environmentally sound mobility across the US through the efficient sharing of transportation assets. By connecting the public and private sectors, piloting programs, conducting new research, and providing policy and technical expertise to cities and regions, SUMC seeks to extend the benefits of shared mobility for all. The Shared Mobility 2030 Action agenda includes improving access to public transit, on-demand shuttles or buses, ride-on-demand services, carpooling and vanpooling, and carsharing, bikesharing and scooter-sharing.

National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM)

The National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM) supports FTA’s Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility activities and is funded through a cooperative agreement with FTA. The Center works to help communities adopt transportation strategies and mobility options that empower people to live independently, and advance health, economic vitality and self-sufficiency. NCMM provides capacity-building technical assistance and training; catalogs and disseminates best practice information on innovative mobility management programs around the country; and works to improve and enhance the coordination of federal resources for human service transportation, especially for people with disabilities, older adults and people with lower incomes.


Developing an ROI Assessment Model for Employee Development Programs Implemented by California Transit Agencies

Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI)
December 2024

Transit agencies will necessarily incur expenses in efforts to improve the recruitment, retention, and morale of employees, but will struggle to solicit adequate funding unless they are able to demonstrate the value of such efforts to a broader audience. Thus, developing and implementing ROI assessments is critical. The literature review, survey, and follow-up interviews conducted by the MTI research team found that program outcome measures and programmatic expense data required for ROI is similar across employee development programs but is not currently being uniformly collected across agencies. The research findings demonstrate the need for technical assistance to combat data collection challenges such as staff capacity and know-how.


Transit Workforce Development: Actions to Support Transition to Zero-Emission Buses

U.S. Government Accountability Office
December 2024

After data analysis and expert interviews, GAO published this report which describes: (1) the status of transit agencies’ transition to zero-emission bus fleets and any challenges they may face meeting transition goals; (2) skill- and workforce-development needs of transit agencies and actions selected agencies are taking to address any workforce gaps; and (3) recommended FTA actions to assist transit agencies in preparing their workforces for zero-emission buses.

Image of a cartoon hand cupped underneath a lightbulb; reads TWC resource

Flagstaff Mountain Line Economic Contribution Analysis (FY 2022)

This study was requested by Mountain Line and was conducted by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) housed in the W. A. Franke College of Business at Northern Arizona University. Its purpose is to provide Flagstaff city residents and decision makers with an understanding of the local economic benefits Mountain Line provides, including jobs supported by Mountain Line.

Northern Arizona University Economic Policy Institute
August 2023

TWC’s Transit Workforce Data Dashboard

Launched in March, 2023, the Transit Workforce Data Dashboard presents quantitative, descriptive data about the composition of the transit workforce and trends in transit employment using a series of charts and graphics. This information is relevant for industry discussions in a range of contexts, including: strategic workforce planning in recruitment, retention, and other areas; examining and addressing opportunities and challenges related to workforce demographics; and identifying training and funding needs.

Transit Workforce Center
March 2023

Making Connections 2022 – Conference Overview and Videos

The Transit Workforce Center hosted Making Connections 2022: The National Transit Workforce Conference in Washington, D.C. on December 13-14, 2022. This conference brought together participants from urban, suburban, rural, and tribal public transportation and industry stakeholders in plenaries, workshops, networking, and ongoing dialogue. Discussions and sessions featured topics including recruitment and retention, training, mentoring and apprenticeships, new technologies, and preparing today’s and tomorrow’s workforce.

Transit Workforce Center
December 2022

Session materials from Making Connections 2022 are hosted on the TWC Resource Center. Please click here to view all related materials. A PDF copy of the conference schedule is linked below.

Opening Video: 

Recap Video: 


Expanding Apprenticeship: Return on Investment (ROI)

This is the landing page for Apprenticeship ROI resources on the WorkforceGPS website (sponsored by the Employment and Training Administration of the US Department of Labor). It is updated periodically and includes recent publications released as part of the evaluation of the American Apprenticeship Initiative. These resources attest to the value of apprenticeship programs for organizations and for workers.

November 2022

FTA Annual Report on Technical Assistance and Workforce Development for FY 2020

This statutorily required annual report provides information on FTA’s Technical Assistance and Workforce Development Program (49 U.S.C. § 5314). It provides information on technical assistance, workforce development, standards, human resources, and training projects active in FY 2020. The report also includes information on FTA’s process for making upcoming allocations for FY 2021.

Federal Transit Administration
May 2021

FTA Annual Report on Technical Assistance and Workforce Development for FY 2019

This statutorily required annual report provides information on FTA’s Technical Assistance and Workforce Development Program (49 U.S.C. § 5314). This annual report provides information on any technical assistance, workforce development, standards, human resources, and training projects active in Fiscal Year (FY) 2019.

Federal Transit Administration
July 2020

Innovative Transit Workforce Development Projects of 2015: Summative Evaluation

This report provides the results of an evaluation of Innovative Transit Workforce Development Program projects awarded in Fiscal Year 2015. Based on a competitive application process, FTA awarded 16 workforce development projects to transit authorities, higher education institutions, Native American tribes, and nonprofit organizations individually or as a consortium.

Federal Transit Administration
February 2020

Apprenticeship is a Win-Win for Workers and Employers

These two case studies provide an analysis of apprenticeship programs at Baltimore Alliance for Careers in Healthcare (BACH) in Baltimore, Maryland, and the Guilford Apprenticeship Partners (GAP) in Greensboro, North Carolina. The case studies highlight the different approaches each organization used for their apprenticeship programs.

National Fund for Workforce Solutions
December 2019

Innovative Transit Workforce Development Program: Key Lessons Learned

This report summarizes the impacts and lessons learned of individual project models, identifies transit workforce needs, and develops recommendations for the continuation or improvement of FTA’s workforce development efforts and investments.

Federal Transit Administration
September 2019

Tool for Measuring the Cost of Turnover

This Cost of Turnover Tool is a simple, “back of the envelope” calculator to help estimate how much it costs to replace staff. The tool can be useful for transit agencies looking to understand the costs of a low retention rate, or those looking to calculate the return-on-investment of mentoring or apprenticeship programs.

Aspen Institute
March 2019

FTA Annual Report on Technical Assistance and Workforce Development for FY 2018

This annual report to Congress provides information on Fiscal Year 2018 technical assistance, standards, human resources and training projects to improve public transportation as authorized by federal public transportation law (49 U.S.C. § 5314). The report also includes information on FTA’s process for making allocations for FY 2019.

Federal Transit Administration
February 2019

Innovative Transit Workforce Development Projects of 2012: Summative Evaluation

This report provides the results of the Innovative Transit Workforce Development Program Evaluation of projects awarded in Fiscal Year 2012. FTA awarded a total of $7,048,898 for 16 workforce development projects. Recipients included transit authorities, higher education institutions, Native American tribes, and nonprofit organizations.

Federal Transit Administration
February 2019

Knowledge Management Resource to Support Strategic Workforce Development for Transit Agencies

TRB’s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Research Report 194: Knowledge Management Resource to Support Strategic Workforce Development for Transit Agencies explores the importance of knowledge management (KM), which is an organization’s process for collecting, storing, and sharing organizational information and knowledge, and provides guidance on implementing KM strategies in transit agencies. In addition, the guidance includes action plans for developing particular aspects of KM, analysis of KM strategies at several transit agencies, and a catalog of KM technology tools and resources.

Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP)
January 2018

Contributor(s): National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Transportation Research Board; Transit Cooperative Research Program; Candace Blair Cronin; Allison Alexander; Elora Majumdar; Chelsey Thompson; Brock Wolf; Ream Lazaro; Valerie Lazaro


Maintenance Technician Staffing Levels for Modern Public Transit Fleets

This report identifies existing tools and practices used to determine optimum maintenance technician staffing levels and provides an analysis of variables that influence maintenance technician staffing needs. A Microsoft Excel maintenance staffing calculator and user guide is available.

Transit Cooperative Research Program
August 2016

Contributor(s): National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Transportation Research BoardTransit Cooperative Research Program; Ken Mall; June Sekera; the Transportation Learning Center and Transit Resource Center


Innovative Transit Workforce Development Projects of 2011

This report provides the results of the Innovative Transit Workforce Program Evaluation of projects awarded in fiscal year 2011. The evaluation was conducted via review of updates and final report submitted by grantees and telephone interviews with grantees.

Federal Transit Administration
April 2016

Method and Processes for Transit Training Metrics and Return on Investment

This guidebook was developed by the ITLC to help transit agencies determine benefits and return on investment (ROI) stemming from their training programs.

International Transportation Learning Center
September 2011

Quality Training Pays: Training Investment Pays for Itself Six Times Over

You never know how well you are doing until you find metrics with which you can measure outcomes. The Transportation Learning Center has capitalized on this insight through a series of in-depth research reports chronicling work by labor-management partnerships in Philadelphia, PA and Albany, NY. This fact sheet outlines these findings and shows a substantial return on training investment.

International Transportation Learning Center
June 2011

Transit Partnership Training: Metrics of Success

The Transit Partnership Training: Metrics of Success report is an overview of the key findings of the Metrics of Success series, which chronicles measurable outcomes, in particular return on investment, of transit training partnerships in which the International Transportation Learning Center has had a substantial role.

International Transportation Learning Center
February 2010

Building Capacity for Transit Training: International and Domestic Comparisons

This working paper provides an overview of the findings from research on strong industry-wide workforce development systems in six other countries and in several US industries. It identifies key features that could be adapted for use to create more effective US transit training.

International Transportation Learning Center
December 2008

Metrics of Success Series

The Metrics of Success series chronicles measurable outcomes, in particular return on investment, of transit training partnerships in which the International Transportation Learning Center has had a substantial role. Each Metrics report focuses on quantitative data from a specific partnership, while Transit Partnership Training: Metrics of Success is an overview of key findings from all Metrics reports to date.

International Transportation Learning Center
May 2008

Pennsylvania Transit on the High Road

This report is part of a larger case study that chronicles the development of the Keystone Transit Career Ladder Partnership, including the process of job task/work task analysis, skills gap analysis, and data-driven training development.

International Transportation Learning Center

Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Joint Workforce Investment Program

This case study examines the Joint Workforce Investment (JWI), established in 2006, which is a joint labor management partnership between the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) and the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 265 (ATU).  It includes discussion of three primary programs brought together under the JWI initiative: the Maintenance Career Ladders Training Project (MCLTP), New Operator/Mentor Pilot Project, and Health and Wellness Project.

ICF International