This brief discusses the experiences of early career Black, Latina, and Afro Latina women in the trades. The COVID crisis has put a spotlight on the concentration of Black, Latina, and Afro-Latina women in low-wage jobs, including in many essential healthcare and retail jobs. The skilled construction trades have given many women an alternative to the poorly paid jobs in the service sector that many had to turn to before finding the trades. Skilled construction trades provide opportunities to build careers that are both challenging and fulfilling, pay a family sustaining wage with benefits, and can be accessed through ‘learn as you earn’ apprenticeships.

Technical Assistance Coordination Library (TACL)
National Rural Transit Assistance Program
TOPICS: Apprenticeship , Career Pathways , Community Engagement , Hiring and Recruitment , Labor-Management Partnerships , Mentorship , Policy and Planning , Procurement , Program Evaluation and ROI , Retention , Safety and Health , Trainer and Mentor Development , Training , Workforce Shortage , Zero Emission Buses
Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination Library (TACL)
The Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination Library (TACL) provides a viable methodology and platform for access and findability of rural and tribal transit coordination resources across a broad range of transportation technical assistance centers and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).
The FTA-funded Technical Assistance (TA) Centers participating in this ongoing work are:
- National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC)
- National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT)
- National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM)
- National Rural Transit Assistance Program (National RTAP)
- Shared Use Mobility Center (SUMC)
- Transit Workforce Center (TWC)
The TACL Task Force uses a systematic review process for resources included in the database. New resources will be added on a quarterly basis. Let us know if you would like to serve as a peer reviewer for our resources.
Why was TACL created?
The United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) published Public Transportation: Enhanced Federal Information Sharing on Coordination Could Improve Rural Transit Services in January 2020. GAO recommended that FTA “develop a communication plan that will effectively share information with state and local stakeholders on coordination opportunities in an accessible and informative way.” This effort was created to improve interagency resource coordination between FTA and its five TA Centers.
How can TACL be used?
TACL resources can be used to identify high quality technical assistance on transportation coordination. The resources can be used for research, training, practice, operations, planning, and other purposes. We encourage authors to cite TACL resources.
Ready to get started?
Visit Click on the Training tab at the top for instructions.
If you have a question about TACL, or if you would like to be considered to become a TACL peer reviewer, please contact

FTA-Sponsored Technical Assistance Centers
Federal Transit Administration
TOPICS: Apprenticeship , Career Pathways , Community Engagement , Hiring and Recruitment , Labor-Management Partnerships , Mentorship , Policy and Planning , Procurement , Program Evaluation and ROI , Retention , Safety and Health , Trainer and Mentor Development , Training , Workforce Shortage , Zero Emission Buses
FTA’s Technical Assistance and Workforce Development Program (49 U.S.C. § 5314) and the Public Transportation Innovation Program (49 U.S.C. § 5312) fund technical assistance centers through national nonprofit organizations across a number of areas to improve public transportation. These nonprofit partners and the work they do play a critical role in supporting public transit agencies. Their services help to:
- Improve transportation for older adults and people with disabilities
- Drive the adoption of mobility management and related promising practices
- Accelerate innovative mobility practices and strategies
- Support rural communities
- Leverage new transit technologies
- Train the public transit workforce
- Provide workforce development technical assistance
- Support research projects selected by the transit industry that address day to day issues
- Support the transit industry meet safety regulations
National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT)
The National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT) delivers expert, focused technical assistance to transit agencies and organizations in rural areas and small cities to use or develop transit technologies and innovations that make services more cost-effective and efficient. N-CATT’s work supports FTA’s mission and focus on innovation by developing and supporting transit programs and services in rural and small-city America.
National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC)
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) is a national technical assistance center funded by FTA with guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Community Living to promote the availability of transportation options that serve the needs of people with disabilities, seniors and caregivers with a focus on the Section 5310 program and other transit investments. NADTC supports the delivery of more effective, efficient, high-quality and coordinated specialized transportation services that maximize federal investments. NADTC provides technical assistance, information and referral; develops field training; implements interactive communication and outreach strategies; and supports communities in assessing their needs and developing innovative transportation solutions.
National Rural Transit Assistance Program (National RTAP)
The National Rural Transportation Assistance Program (RTAP) was established by FTA in 1987 to provide a wide range of professional services and products. National RTAP addresses the training and technical assistance needs of rural and tribal transit programs across the nation and supports state RTAP programs. National RTAP provides comprehensive free technical assistance programs and resources including training materials, webinars, newsletters and technical briefs, peer resources, research, and innovative technology initiatives. The National RTAP also manages the Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination Library (TACL), which provides a sustainable methodology and platform to access resources across a diverse range of transportation technical assistance centers and FTA.
Shared-Use Mobility Center (SUMC)
The Shared-Use Mobility Center is a public-interest organization dedicated to achieving equitable, affordable, and environmentally sound mobility across the US through the efficient sharing of transportation assets. By connecting the public and private sectors, piloting programs, conducting new research, and providing policy and technical expertise to cities and regions, SUMC seeks to extend the benefits of shared mobility for all. The Shared Mobility 2030 Action agenda includes improving access to public transit, on-demand shuttles or buses, ride-on-demand services, carpooling and vanpooling, and carsharing, bikesharing and scooter-sharing.
National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM)
The National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM) supports FTA’s Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility activities and is funded through a cooperative agreement with FTA. The Center works to help communities adopt transportation strategies and mobility options that empower people to live independently, and advance health, economic vitality and self-sufficiency. NCMM provides capacity-building technical assistance and training; catalogs and disseminates best practice information on innovative mobility management programs around the country; and works to improve and enhance the coordination of federal resources for human service transportation, especially for people with disabilities, older adults and people with lower incomes.

ATTAIN Facilities & Elevator/Escalator Maintenance Meeting
Transit Workforce Center
September 2024
The American Transit Training and Apprenticeship Innovators Network (ATTAIN) is a peer network created for transit agencies and labor unions to explore new apprenticeship programs or enhance existing programs for their frontline workforce. Through ATTAIN, TWC promotes apprenticeship, advances frontline worker training, facilitates peer exchange, and provides technical assistance to agencies and unions interested in developing apprenticeship programs for their frontline workforce.
This ATTAIN meeting featured discussions from Pittsburgh Regional Transit/ATU 85 and Bay Area Rapid Transit about how their facilities and elevator/escalator maintenance apprenticeship programs are developed, work, and the benefits they offer.

2024 Sector Strategies Framework
September 2024
In September 2024, ETA released an updated Sector Strategies Framework to guide national, state, and local practitioners in their efforts to launch and implement effective sector strategies. The Framework is intended to advance knowledge and support the development, scaling, and durability of sector strategies. It provides workforce system practitioners with a clear picture of the concepts and elements essential to the successful implementation of sector partnerships and sector strategies. The Sector Strategies Framework was developed by ETA to harness lessons learned from the field, provide support to overcome common barriers, and help practitioners build knowledge in new areas.
Along with the Framework, the ETA released additional resources including:
- Implementation Guide and Self-Assessment and Action Planning Tool: Resources to help practitioners implement the Framework and assess and strengthen existing sector strategies efforts.
- ETA Blog Post: “Demand-driven training: Reimagining sector partnerships to build career pathways”
- Training and Employment Notice No. 08-24: Release and Availability of Updated 2024 U.S. Department of Labor’s Sector Strategies Framework
- Virtual Training Series: Learn more about the Framework and strategies to implement and scale sector strategies by viewing each session in this three-part series.

Case Management and Coaching for Pre-Apprentices and Apprentices
Workforce GPS
August 2024
TOPICS: Apprenticeship , Career Pathways , Mentorship , Trainer and Mentor Development , Training
Working with pre-apprentices and apprentices requires a combination of case management and coaching. This webinar provides the fundamentals of case management and coaching and teaches a framework for effective service delivery. This session also focuses on the use of assessments for productive service planning, quality program documentation and team communication for successful handoffs.
- Luis Roig, Contracting Officer’s Representative, Office of Apprenticeship, U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration
- Amy Landesman, Grantee Coach, ICF
- Valerie Taylor, Grantee Coach, ICF

Youth Apprenticeship Access and Success in Rural Communities
August 2024
In rural communities, widely dispersed populations face a multitude of access challenges. Faced with a declining talent pool, lower educational attainment, and rising poverty rates caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, there is an urgent need to prepare young people in rural areas for high-demand careers.
As part of the Implementing Workforce Programs for Rural Youth series, this webinar, hosted by the Office of Apprenticeship, focused on best practices and creative solutions for increasing pre-apprenticeship and youth apprenticeship access, enrollment, retention, and program completion for young people in rural areas. Featured youth apprenticeship intermediaries and partners shared their accomplishments in developing youth apprenticeship opportunities in rural areas, establishing networks of support, and best utilizing available resources to ensure pre-and youth apprenticeship success.
- Maisha Meminger, Manpower Analyst , Division of Youth Services, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration
- Vanessa Bennett, Associate Director, Center for Apprenticeship & Work-Based Learning, Jobs for the Future
- Zach Boren Senior Policy Program Manager, Urban Institute
- Bhavani Arabandi, Senior Research Associate, Urban Institute
- Jacqueline Rayfield, Policy Analyst, Urban Institute

Rural Outreach Strategies: Connecting Workers and Employers to the Workforce System
August 2024
Bringing services to rural workers and employers has long been a challenge in the workforce development system. This webinar features two real-world solutions: the use of mobile units, and the use of virtual job fairs.
Hear from South Carolina and Massachusetts about their successful implementation of their unique strategies.
- Tim Theberge, Division Director, Office of Trade Adjustment Assistance
- Adam Wagoner, Deputy Director, South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce
- Chris Mills, Program Coordinator, MassHire Department of Career Services

College-to-Jobs Initiative: Policy and Practice Series
The Project on Workforce
The Project on Workforce released new recommendations for educators, employers, and policymakers on how to improve college-to-jobs connections. With these webinars and stakeholder briefs, they aim to increase attention and investment in college-to-career transitions and show how colleges can better deliver on economic prosperity.

ATTAIN Bus Maintenance Apprenticeship Webinar
Transit Workforce Center
June 2024
TOPICS: Apprenticeship , Mentorship , Trainer and Mentor Development , Training
Enjoy this recorded convening of TWC’s American Transit Training and Apprenticeship Innovators Network (ATTAIN) comprised of several engaging presentations that highlight apprenticeship programs across the nation, followed by interactive discussions with Fairfax County Connector/Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 689 and Metro Transit/ATU Local 1005 on the development of mentorship and apprenticeship programs, how they work, and the benefits they can offer agencies and their workforce.
Below, you can find the link to the full slideshow used in the meeting.

Powering Up the Workforce: Transit Workforce Center’s Zero-Emission Bus Resources Webinar
A safe and successful transition to zero-emission vehicles requires a significant commitment to additional workforce skills, training, and development. This webinar showcases the tools and resources TWC makes available to help frontline technicians meet the challenges and demands of ZEB technology. Hear from and enjoy this interactive discussion with TWC, the Federal Transit Administration, the National Transit Institute, and the American Public Transportation Association.
Transit Workforce Center
June 2024
TOPICS: Zero Emission Buses
Below, you will find the link to the full slideshow used during the webinar as well as other useful resources.

APTA’s Workforce Clearinghouse
APTA’s Workforce Clearinghouse connects users with convenient access to industry materials, stories, and recommended practices. Use the search bar or choose a categorical grouping to find resources from APTA’s six ‘Workforce Mini Guides’ as well as selected examples from the initial workforce volume – APTA’s Transit Workforce Readiness Guide.
American Public Transportation Association (APTA)

ATTAIN Bus Operator Apprenticeship Meeting
TWC’s American Transit Training and Apprenticeship Innovators Network (ATTAIN) met on May 17, 2024 to discuss bus operator apprenticeship. Check out the recording for short presentations from transit peers across the country and an engaging and interactive discussion about the development of bus operator mentorship and apprenticeship programs, how they work, and the benefits they offer.
Transit Workforce Center
May 2024

Transit Workforce Data Dashboard Webinar: Harnessing the Power of Data for Transit Workforce Development
TWC hosted a webinar titled “Transit Workforce Data Dashboard Webinar: Harnessing the Power of Data for Transit Workforce Development” on February 28, 2024. The Dashboard features innovative visualizations of transit and transportation workforce statistics and demographics from the National Transit Database (NTD) and Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). It can be used to highlight key issues, like the high proportion of transit workers nearing retirement age, the potential for greater participation of women in key transportation occupations, and the need to hire extensively in the coming decade. A new interactive page launched in February, allowing users to filter NTD employment data by agency.
TWC demonstrated the full dashboard, discussed lessons learned from working with NTD and BLS data, and opened up a Q&A for participants to ask questions or share their unique data needs.
Transit Workforce Center
February 2024
At the end of the webinar, TWC shared a survey to collect unique transit workforce data needs and feedback for potential additions to the Data Dashboard. The survey continues to accept responses and can be found below.

How to train for the Bus – The Zero Emission Bus (ZEB)
In this video, James Hall, Principal & Founder of ZEB Tech, and Bekhi Spika, Vice President & Chief Revenue Officer of Spika Design & Manufacturing, have a conversation about transitioning and training the transit workforce for zero-emission buses.
Spika Design & Manufacturing
February 2024
TOPICS: Training , Zero Emission Buses

Zeroing in on New Standards for the Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Fleet
In this video, Bryan Sooter, P.E., Director of Standards at the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), and Bekhi Spika, VP and CRO of Spika Design & Manufacturing, have a conversation about ZEB standards, including how standards are created in public transportation; the challenges faced by transit agencies in getting prepared for an entirely new way of operating with entirely new technology in existing, new or modified infrastructure; the kinds of areas that new standards on ZEB can be expected to encompass; and the guidance on resources available from APTA for transit agencies shifting to ZEB fleets.
Spika Design & Manufacturing
February 2024
TOPICS: Policy and Planning , Training , Zero Emission Buses

Human Trafficking: Awareness to Action
This webinar reviews the anti-trafficking resources available to transit agencies, shares success stories from the transit industry, and highlights a newly developed template for implementing human trafficking response protocols, which are vital to effective anti-trafficking initiatives. The accompanying toolkit guides transit agencies on steps they can take to help combat human trafficking, including how they can partner with Busing on the Lookout (BOTL) to implement anti-human trafficking training and policies in their operations.
- Jodi Godrey, Center For Urban Transportation Research
- Lexi Higgins, Busing on the Lookout (BOTL) at Truckers Against Trafficking
American Public Transportation Association
January 2024
TOPICS: Safety and Health

Approaches to Childcare Support in the Transit Industry
Across the nation, the lack of access to affordable and accessible childcare is often a major employment barrier for workers in the transit industry. TWC hosted a pivotal discussion on this issue in the webinar, “Approaches to Childcare Support in the Transit Industry”.
Hear from Barb Cline, Executive Director of Prairie Hills Transit (Spearfish, South Dakota), and Charles Jenkins, Director of the Transport Workers Union Local 100 – New York City Transit Training & Upgrading Fund, who share their approaches to creating childcare solutions tailored for their transit employees. They will delve into the inception of their programs, their ongoing hurdles, and the successes that have marked their journey.
Transit Workforce Center
November 2023
TOPICS: Community Engagement , Policy and Planning , Retention , Workforce Shortage

Women in Frontline Transit Apprenticeships
In honor of National Apprenticeship Week, TWC celebrated the tremendous progress made by transit agencies in implementing apprenticeship programs for various transit occupations. The number of women in registered apprenticeship programs is increasing across industries, and public transit is no exception. Women from public transit agencies across the country have found rewarding careers with family-sustaining wages through apprenticeship.
This event featured a presentation from Liz Weiss, Deputy Director of the Working for America Institute along with a panel of women in registered apprenticeship programs from COTA/TWU Local 208 and MARTA/ATU Local 732.
Transit Workforce Center
November 2023

Integrating Industry Credentials within Apprenticeship Programs
This webinar examines how to integrate industry credentials within registered and unregistered apprenticeship programs and emphasizes the importance of building connections across sponsor/employer organizations to ensure curriculum and training alignment.
September 2023
TOPICS: Apprenticeship , Career Pathways

Lesson Planning Webinar: Basics to Best Practices
Have you ever been tasked with developing or delivering a class and didn’t know where to start? Do you have a class that isn’t engaging learners and you don’t know why? On September 26, 2023, TWC hosted an informative webinar on Lesson Planning basics and best practices with award winning author and advisor on all things training, Dr. Chuck Hodell. We took a high-level look at Lesson Planning for those new to training, as well as discussed how to overcome inherent challenges and best practices for transit trainers.
Transit Workforce Center
September 2023
TOPICS: Trainer and Mentor Development , Training

ATTAIN Rail and Facilities Apprenticeship Meeting
This recorded meeting of the ATTAIN Rail and Facilities Committee serves as a resource for transit industry stakeholders and includes presentations on apprenticeship and case studies of successful programs across the country.
Transit Workforce Center
September 2023

Bus Operator Workforce Management: Practitioner’s Guide
This report, produced by the Eno Center for Transportation, International Transportation Learning Center (ITLC), and Huber & Associates, is a practitioner’s guide that provides recommendations and resources enabling transit agencies to better assess, plan, and implement their operator workforce management programs. A link to a related TRB webinar is also included.
Transit Cooperative Research Program
August 2023
Contributor(s): National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Transportation Research Board; Transit Cooperative Research Program; Robert Puentes; Philip Plotch; Brianne Eby; Paul Lewis; Karitsa Holdzkom; Xinge Wang; Douglas Nevins; Kenyon Corbett; Melissa Huber

Lunch & Learn: Youth Careers in Transit – Exploring a World of Opportunity
This is Part 4 of Iyai’s 6-part 2023 Transportation/Mobility Career Awareness Lunch and Learn series. This webinar is co-sponsored with the International Transportation Learning Center / Transit Workforce Center. This webinar features presenters at various stages of their transit careers discussing their work and their own career pathways, engaging in an interactive discussion with the audience.
introducing youth to American infrastructure; International Transportation Learning Center/Transit Workforce Center
May 2023
TOPICS: Apprenticeship , Career Pathways , Community Engagement , Mentorship
Program: Iyai’s Dr. Beverly Scott and TWC’s Shayna Gleason present an overview of the program series and career landscape, followed by participants talking about their work and careers. Speakers include:
- Marvin Alfred, President, Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 113 (Toronto);
- Kyisha Bond, mechanic apprentice, IndyGo (Indianapolis),
- Inez Evans, President and CEO, IndyGo (Indianapolis);
- Andrew Falotico, Health and Safety Representative, ATU Local 113 (Toronto);
- Desiree Patrice, Deputy Chief of Capital Transformation, MBTA (Boston).
After the presentations, Karen Philbrick from the Mineta Transportation Institute facilitates a conversation between the audience and presenters.

ATTAIN Bus Operator Apprenticeship Meeting
This recorded meeting of the ATTAIN Bus Operator Committee serves as a resource for transit industry stakeholders and includes presentations on apprenticeship and case studies of successful programs across the country.
Transit Workforce Center
May 2023
TOPICS: Apprenticeship , Career Pathways , Mentorship , Trainer and Mentor Development , Training
The American Transit Training and Apprenticeship Innovators Network (ATTAIN), run by the Transit Workforce Center (TWC), is a peer network created for transit agencies and labor unions to explore new apprenticeship programs or enhance existing programs for their frontline workforce.

ATTAIN Bus Maintenance Apprenticeship Meeting
The American Transit Training and Apprenticeship Innovators Network (ATTAIN), run by the Transit Workforce Center (TWC), is a peer network created for transit agencies and labor unions to explore new apprenticeship programs or enhance existing programs for their frontline workforce. This recorded meeting of the ATTAIN Bus Maintenance Committee serves as a resource for transit industry stakeholders and includes presentations on apprenticeship and case studies of successful programs across the country.
Transit Workforce Center
March 2023
TOPICS: Apprenticeship , Career Pathways , Trainer and Mentor Development , Training

Bus Operators—New Strategies for Maintaining the Workforce
This webinar discusses the ideas, best practices, and resources that will enable transit agencies to better plan, implement, and assess their operator workforce management programs as described in the Bus Operator Workforce Management: Practitioner’s Guide. Presenters discussed workforce needs assessment, recruitment, selection and on-boarding, training, mentoring, and retention and motivation.
Transit Cooperative Research Program
March 2023
TOPICS: Apprenticeship , Hiring and Recruitment , Mentorship , Policy and Planning , Retention , Workforce Shortage
Webinar agenda and presenters
- Bus operator training and retention – Xinge Wang, International Transportation Learning Center
- Lessons from Florida – Trish Collins, Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority
- Lessons from the Midwest – George F. Fields, Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority
- Question and answer session moderated by Robert Puentes, Eno Center for Transportation

Online Learning and Learning Technologies Webinar
On October 25, 2022, TWC hosted an exciting webinar that explores online training, best practices in training delivery, and exciting trends in online technology for the transit industry.
Transit Workforce Center
October 2022
TOPICS: Training

ATTAIN Rail/Signals/Traction Power and Facilities/Elevator-Escalator Committees Meeting
This recorded meeting of the ATTAIN committees for Rail/Signals/Traction Power and Facilities/Elevator-Escalator serves as a resource for transit industry stakeholders and includes presentations on apprenticeship and case studies of successful programs across the country.
Transit Workforce Center
September 2022
TOPICS: Apprenticeship , Career Pathways , Community Engagement , Hiring and Recruitment , Training
The American Transit Training and Apprenticeship Innovators Network (ATTAIN), run by the Transit Workforce Center (TWC), is a peer network created for transit agencies and labor unions to explore new apprenticeship programs or enhance existing programs for their frontline workforce.

Bus Operators in Crisis
TransitCenter’s report, entitled Bus Operators in Crisis: The Steady Deterioration of One of Transit’s Most Essential Jobs, and How Agencies Can Turn Things Around, analyzes the nationwide phenomenon of bus operator shortages and advocates for enhanced job quality in the occupation. It details the challenges American operators are facing, and offers solutions that transit agencies can take to solve issues locally, as well as steps that state and the federal governments can take to provide agencies with necessary support.
July 2022
TOPICS: Apprenticeship , Career Pathways , Community Engagement , Hiring and Recruitment , Retention
This resource also includes a link to a webinar hosted in July, 2022 presenting information from the report and slides from the webinar.

Strategic Workforce Planning in Transit: Fundamentals of Mentoring
Transit Workforce Center
June 2022
TOPICS: Apprenticeship , Mentorship , Retention , Trainer and Mentor Development
This is the third in the Transit Workforce Center’s webinar series on strategic workforce development planning in transit. Labor and management leaders from across the country discussed the impact of mentorship programs in their agencies.
Mentor programs provide a powerful and effective tool for workforce development and retention. For maintenance occupations, mentors deliver hands-on training support, putting skills in workplace contexts beyond the classroom. For bus operators, mentors provide guidance that addresses real world situations, building and expanding on basic training and creating ongoing support for each new operator. In every transit agency across all occupations, seasoned employees have stores of knowledge waiting to be shared. Without mentorship, this knowledge can be lost when workers retire or move on. A well-structured mentorship program, designed in partnership with the workers, ensure this expertise is passed on. Strong mentorship programs also provide mentors with leadership opportunities and mentees with the skills and confidence they need to succeed, increasing expertise and morale throughout the organization.
Linked below are a video recording of the webinar, the associated slides, and a webpage where all past TWC webinars are available.

Bus Operator Recruitment and Retention: Confronting Obstacles and Creating Opportunity
This multimedia case study details a high-road training partnership jointly operated by Golden Gate Transit and Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1575.
Transit Workforce Center; Golden Gate Transit; Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1575
June 2022
Golden Gate Transit (GGT) serves four counties in San Francisco’s North Bay. GGT suspended approximately 90% of its commute service during COVID. As of Spring 2022, the agency was operating at roughly 50% of pre -COVID service levels, but needed to hire and retain large numbers of bus operators as ridership demand returned. To achieve this goal, a GGT and ATU labor-management partnership created a high-road training partnership that worked with local colleges and California Transit Works to establish bus operator mentorship, pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs. To guide its initiatives and actions, the partnership also examined data and asked underlying questions about the root causes of their employment challenges, resulting in reevaluating and adjusting some of its pathways to employment and hiring guidelines.
This resource contains presentation slides and video of a Golden Gate Transit/ATU presentation. The entire June 7, 2022 TWC webinar, Recruiting and Developing Today’s Transit Workforce, can be found here. It includes a question and answer session, beginning at 51:53, that covers more detail on this and other recruitment initiatives discussed in the webinar.

The Power of Partnership: Automotive Technology/Collision Career Technical Education Program
This multimedia case study details an internship program developed by the Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA) and Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 208. This resource contains a brief written summary, presentation slides, and video of a COTA-TWU Local 208 presentation. The entire June 7, 2022 TWC webinar, Recruiting and Developing Today’s Transit Workforce, can be found here. The complete webinar recording includes a question and answer session, beginning at 51:53, that covers more detail on this and other recruitment initiatives.
Transit Workforce Center; Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA); Transport Workers Union Local 208
June 2022
To meet its need for vehicle maintenance technicians, COTA leadership partnered with TWU Local 208 and Columbus City Schools to provide a Vehicle Maintenance Internship Program, helping students already enrolled in an automotive program to develop additional technology competencies and prepare them for entry level positions. The COTA Vehicle Maintenance Internship Program provides career technical center high school students who have completed their junior year in a participating career-technical program the opportunity to work as paid interns in the Vehicle Maintenance Department at COTA. Students receive classroom training, hands-on training, laboratory experiences, and are partnered with mentors in preparation to enter the workforce as entry level automotive/collision technologies service technicians. From this foundation, COTA has now established a state-registered pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship program to support vehicle technician hiring, retention, and workforce development.

Strategic Workforce Planning in Transit: Recruiting and Developing Today’s Transit Workforce
This is the second in the Transit Workforce Center’s webinar series on strategic workforce development planning in transit. TWC’s first webinar examined workforce development for the incumbent workforce. This second webinar focuses on how transit agencies and partner organizations are working to meet the significant recruitment challenges across the country and how to best turn these challenges into opportunities to reach, attract, and retain a strong workforce. Two transit agencies and their labor partners discuss their innovative outreach and recruitment programs, including mentoring, pre-apprenticeships, and community college partnerships, followed by a presentation from a national organization leader who has coordinated cross-sectoral recruitment initiatives with agencies across the U.S.
Transit Workforce Center
June 2022
Linked below are a video recording of the webinar, the associated slides, and a webpage where all past TWC webinars are available.

Strategic Workforce Planning in Transit: Developing, Supporting, and Strengthening Your Incumbent Workforce
This webinar, presented on April 27, 2022, explores important considerations and best practices for creating strong strategic workforce development plans.
FTA Administrator Nuria Fernandez provided opening remarks, followed by insightful workforce development guidance and case examples from leading, experienced, and insightful presentations from IndyGo (Indianapolis IN), ATU International and Local 558, SporTran (Shreveport LA), TWU Local 100- NYCTA Training and Upgrading Fund (NYC), SEPTA (Philadelphia PA), and ProgressWorx.
It is the first in a series of TWC webinars on Strategic Workforce Planning.
Transit Workforce Center
April 2022
TOPICS: Apprenticeship , Career Pathways , Labor-Management Partnerships , Retention

Preparing for and Capturing Video Footage for Instructional Video
International Transportation Learning Center
March 2021
TOPICS: Trainer and Mentor Development , Training
Digital and video instruction are two ways in which transit agencies can enhance their current training methods for their frontline employees. In a previous skill booster event, we showcased video editing software Filmora™. But before you can edit video, you need to capture it. As videography expert and the presenter of this session Kenyon Corbett says, “there is no replacement for good audio and video.”
This video uses real-world examples to demonstrate the Dos and Don’ts of capturing video and audio for instructional videos. It also outlines how best to prepare for this process.
This is one of several skill booster events held by the International Transportation Learning Center (ITLC). Other webinars can be found by filtering by resource type.

Here to Stay: Black, Latina, and Afro-Latina Women in Construction Trades Apprenticeships and Employment
Chicago Women in the Trades; Institute for Women's Policy Research
March 2021

Creating and Editing Instructional Videos to Engage Learners
Beyond the traditional classroom environment, one way transit trainers can enhance delivery is through video instruction. This recorded webinar demonstrates Filmora™, an affordable and easy-to-use platform that helps you create video instruction modules.
This is one of several skill booster events held by the International Transportation Learning Center (ITLC).
International Transportation Learning Center
November 2020
TOPICS: Trainer and Mentor Development , Training

How Women Fare in the Transit Industry
In this TRB webinar, panelists discuss strategies to support women in transit and share examples of transit agencies that have effectively implemented programs to retain and advance women in the industry.
Transportation Research Board
September 2020

Empowering a Resilient Transit Workforce
This webinar identifies critical labor market benchmarks and addresses ways to cultivate a more resilient and empowered transit workforce, particularly in the post-COVID world. The speakers delve into resiliency challenges and education and training solutions.
Eno Center of Transportation
June 2020
TOPICS: Hiring and Recruitment , Retention , Workforce Shortage

Battery Electric Bus Familiarization Webinars
The International Transportation Learning Center presents three distance-based courses to help transit bus technicians gain fundamental understanding of battery electric bus (BEB) technology. These courses are recorded from live online sessions.
International Transportation Learning Center
June 2020
TOPICS: Safety and Health , Training , Zero Emission Buses
In each session, experts from various BEB manufacturers presented on specific topics, with over 400 participants attending. Each session is introduced by John Schiavone, who moderated many questions from participants. Please click through the drop-down options below to view the recorded sessions, slides and presenters’ notes, and sample tests and test answers.

Integrating eLearning in Transit Frontline Learning
In this webinar, guest speaker Ron Thiele, Xpan Interactive, presented on ways in which some transit organizations use eLearning.
This is one of several skill booster events held by the International Transportation Learning Center (ITLC).
International Transportation Learning Center
May 2020
TOPICS: Trainer and Mentor Development , Training
Please see video below.