Map – Apprenticeship and Mentorship Programs

Map – Apprenticeship and Mentorship Programs

Transit Workforce Center
September 2024

Visualizing the Growing Trend of Registered Apprenticeship in U.S. Transit Agencies

Over the past 10 years, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and other federal agencies have invested heavily in promoting and supporting registered apprenticeship, resulting in a significant expansion of registered apprentice programs across the country. Likewise, the use of registered apprenticeship for frontline public transit occupations has increased significantly, with many transit agencies and their corresponding unions jointly adopting labor-management standards that create a framework for apprenticeship. Only five transit agencies had a registered apprenticeship program in 2013, compared with 30 transit agencies in 2023.

This map displays transit locations with registered apprenticeship or mentorship programs. Users can reveal information about the active apprenticeship/mentorship programs at each agency, the agency’s workforce-related statistics (such as wage, employee count, labor hours, and ridership), and links to Standards of Apprenticeship, which include details about qualifications, wages, hours, and training schedules.