Resource Center
The Transit Workforce Center is pleased to host a curated collection of publications and other materials to assist stakeholders engaged in transit workforce development. The Resource Center includes case studies, training materials, research reports, and other materials of interest, including publications produced by federal government agencies, transit organizations, and independent research entities. Resources may be filtered by topic, resource type, and transit mode. This TWC blog post explains how to use the Resource Center.
We are continuing to update the Resource Center regularly. Please contact us via the Request Help menu option if you would like assistance using the Resource Center or are looking for resources on a particular topic. We also welcome suggestions of topics or specific resources to add.
Transit Green Jobs Training Partnership
The Department of Labor selected the Transportation Learning Center as a Green Jobs funds recipient because the Center has been at the forefront of addressing the issue of insufficient training in the transit industry and building constructive partnerships between labor and management to address this critical issue. The grant succeeded in creating new training approaches and providing training to thousands of workers in key transit occupations, with a consistent focus on greening the economy and our communities.
The Green Jobs Training Partnership is built on the Center’s successful model of creating and supporting labor-management partnerships to plan and deliver transit training that provides instruction based on national standards. The Partnerships plan and carry out training, to help transit employees obtain the skills they need to stay current in an industry that is ever changing.
International Transportation Learning Center
August 2012
TOPICS: Training
Practices for Wayside Rail Transit Worker Protection
TRB’s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Synthesis 95: Practices for Wayside Rail Transit Worker Protection is designed to highlight knowledge, practice, lessons learned, and gaps in information related to wayside rail transit worker protection programs.
Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP)
January 2012
TOPICS: Safety and Health, Training
Bus Operator Restroom Use Case Study
In collaboration with the Bus Operator National Joint Training Standards Committee, the International Transportation Learning Center developed this Bus Operator Restroom Use report, a case study and compendium of practitioner resources on restroom use, including a history of restroom use policy at Minneapolis Metro Transit. The resources in this report also include a model community restroom licensing agreement, route-specific restroom locations chart, and example collective bargaining language.
International Transportation Learning Center
January 2012
TOPICS: Retention, Safety and Health, Training
Addendum to the APTA Recommended Practice for Transit Bus Operator Training
This addendum was created by the Joint Labor Management National Bus Operator Standards Committee in Seattle, WA on October 12-14th 2011. This addendum was created to be considered for addition into the APTA RP for Transit Bus Operator Training.
Joint Labor Management National Bus Operator Standards Committee
October 2011
TOPICS: Safety and Health, Training
The original recommended practice document is also available on the Resource Center, here.
Method and Processes for Transit Training Metrics and Return on Investment
This guidebook was developed by the ITLC to help transit agencies determine benefits and return on investment (ROI) stemming from their training programs.
International Transportation Learning Center
September 2011
TOPICS: Program Evaluation and ROI
Dialogue for Women in Blue-Collar Transportation Careers
This short summary report describes unique challenges and recommendations regarding women in blue-collar positions in transportation.
US Department of Transportation
September 2011
LEARN MOREQuality Training Pays: Training Investment Pays for Itself Six Times Over
You never know how well you are doing until you find metrics with which you can measure outcomes. The Transportation Learning Center has capitalized on this insight through a series of in-depth research reports chronicling work by labor-management partnerships in Philadelphia, PA and Albany, NY. This fact sheet outlines these findings and shows a substantial return on training investment.
International Transportation Learning Center
June 2011
LEARN MOREProfessional Certification and Credentialing Program for the Transit Industry
TRB’s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Research Results Digest 100: Professional Certification and Credentialing Program for the Transit Industry explores the findings of a literature review and a gap analysis of the efficacy of four transit-specific professional development programs. The report also examines potential strategies that might be used to deploy and maintain a transit industry certification and credentialing program.
Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP)
April 2011
TOPICS: Career Pathways, Policy and Planning, Retention, Training