Resource Center
The Transit Workforce Center is pleased to host a curated collection of publications and other materials to assist stakeholders engaged in transit workforce development. The Resource Center includes case studies, training materials, research reports, and other materials of interest, including publications produced by federal government agencies, transit organizations, and independent research entities. Resources may be filtered by topic, resource type, and transit mode. This TWC blog post explains how to use the Resource Center.
We are continuing to update the Resource Center regularly. Please contact us via the Request Help menu option if you would like assistance using the Resource Center or are looking for resources on a particular topic. We also welcome suggestions of topics or specific resources to add.
Advancing Frontline Workforce Development Meeting: Synthesis
This report synthesizes findings from a two-day gathering of more than two dozen transit industry labor and management representatives who engaged in in-depth discussions on frontline workforce training needs across the U.S. The purpose of the meeting was to identify immediate, short-term, and long-term training needs for the frontline public transportation workforce in the U.S. and ways to connect apprenticeship and formal training programs to support these needs.
National Transit Institute; Federal Transit Administration; International Transportation Learning Center
February 2020
LEARN MOREAttracting, Retaining, and Advancing Women in Transit
This TCRP report explores the strategies that have been deployed in transit and other related industries in order to attract, retain, and advance women in a variety of roles. It includes a survey of current representation of women, barriers faced, and diversity initiatives in the transportation industry, as well as case studies from several major transit agencies.
Transit Cooperative Research Program
January 2020
Contributor(s): National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Transportation Research Board; Transit Cooperative Research Program; ICF Allison Alexander
Apprenticeship is a Win-Win for Workers and Employers
These two case studies provide an analysis of apprenticeship programs at Baltimore Alliance for Careers in Healthcare (BACH) in Baltimore, Maryland, and the Guilford Apprenticeship Partners (GAP) in Greensboro, North Carolina. The case studies highlight the different approaches each organization used for their apprenticeship programs.
National Fund for Workforce Solutions
December 2019
LEARN MOREEmerging Leaders Presentation: Recruiting & Retaining Bus Operators
This slidedeck, from the APTA Emerging Leaders Program class of 2019 presentations, provides an overview of research and transit agency case studies to capture key themes on the topics of bus operator recruitment and retention.
American Public Transportation Association
December 2019
TOPICS: Career Pathways, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access, Hiring and Recruitment, Retention
Building a Business Case for Increasing Diversity in the Transportation Workforce
This TR News article describes the importance of cultivating diversity in the transportation industry. It describes the current and future state of diversity in the country and workforce at large, and reviews existing research on the workplace benefits of diversity. It also provides several strategies for fostering diversity in the transportation industry and examples of transit stakeholders that have used those strategies.
Transportation Research Board
October 2019
LEARN MOREInnovative Transit Workforce Development Program: Key Lessons Learned
This report summarizes the impacts and lessons learned of individual project models, identifies transit workforce needs, and develops recommendations for the continuation or improvement of FTA’s workforce development efforts and investments.
Federal Transit Administration
September 2019
LEARN MORETraining and Apprenticeships to Address Transit Workforce Gaps
This piece, penned by Jack Clark of the International Transportation Learning Center (ITLC), explores the role of training and apprenticeship programs in meeting workforce needs in transit, with a focus on operators. It discusses a few leading examples of apprenticeship programs in transit, as well as the role of mentorship in a strong apprenticeship program.
Eno Center for Transporation
August 2019
TOPICS: Apprenticeship, Career Pathways, Mentorship, Training
The High Road to Public Transit
This report provides a project overview of the high road training partnership (HRTP) in California between Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) and ATU Local 265 and the formation of California Transit Works (CTW).