Harnessing the Power of Data for Transit Workforce Development
Harnessing the Power of Data for Transit Workforce Development

February 28, 2024
Mark your calendar for TWC’s “Transit Workforce Data Dashboard Webinar: Harnessing the Power of Data for Transit Workforce Development”. Join TWC virtually on Wednesday, February 28 at 2PM EST for a webinar presenting TWC’s Transit Workforce Data Dashboard. The Dashboard features innovative visualizations of transit and transportation workforce statistics and demographics from the National Transit Database (NTD) and Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). TWC will demonstrate the full dashboard, discuss lessons learned from working with NTD and BLS data, and open up a Q&A for participants to ask questions or share their unique data needs.
Register for TWC’s “Transit Workforce Data Dashboard Webinar: Harnessing the Power of Data for Transit Workforce Development” using the link below: