Apprenticeship and Mentorship

Apprenticeship and Mentorship

Working to promote apprenticeship and provide technical assistance in starting these programs, the same questions come up repeatedly. TWC created a page to provide answers to these questions and links to related resources.

The return on investment for apprenticeship has been shown to be as much as $1.44 for every dollar spent. Additional funding support can help get programs off the ground and sustain them. TWC put together a list of potential funding sources that can be used to support registered apprenticeship programs. Support may also be available for individual apprentices in registered programs and aid in recruitment. 

The American Transit Training and Apprenticeship Innovators Network (ATTAIN) is a peer network created for transit agencies and labor unions to explore new apprenticeship programs or enhance existing programs for their frontline workforce. Through ATTAIN, TWC promotes apprenticeship, advances frontline worker training, facilitates peer exchange, and provides technical assistance to agencies and unions interested in developing apprenticeship programs for their frontline workforce.

These interactive maps display registered apprenticeship programs and mentorship programs at U.S. transit agencies. This innovative tool provides an engaging way to explore how apprenticeship and mentorship programs are being adopted and implemented as an effective workforce development strategy in American transit. 

A curated collection of publications and other materials to assist stakeholders engaged in transit workforce development. The Resource Center includes case studies, training materials, research reports, and other materials of interest, including publications produced by federal government agencies, transit organizations, and independent research entities.

While well-established in related industries, apprenticeship and mentorship programs are newer to public transit; learning from existing practices in creating and monitoring apprenticeships and mentorships can help agencies and unions begin their own.