Pathway Home 6 Grants

Pathway Home 6 Grants

Administering Agency: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration

Closing Date for Applications: Mar 14, 2025 – Applications must be submitted electronically no later than 11:59 pm Eastern Time.

Estimated Total Program Funding: $25,000,000

Award Ceiling: $4,000,000; Award Floor: $500,000

Geographic Scope: National

Description: With meaningful employment secured, formerly incarcerated people can fully integrate into their communities more successfully and avoid relapse. To help remove barriers to employment the U.S. Department of Labor has announced the availability of $25 million in funding to provide training and employment services to incarcerated individuals before their release from state correctional facilities, or county or local jails.

Pathway Home 6 Grants are designed to help eliminate the time gap between release from prison and enrollment into a workforce development reentry program that leads to skills-based employment. They will expand eligibility to include private non-profit organizations, with a requirement to commit to employing one full-time project manager dedicated to managing the grant.