

Upskilling Frontline Workers: Three Strategies to Future-Proof your Workforce
College-to-Jobs Initiative: Policy and Practice Series
ATTAIN Bus Maintenance Apprenticeship Webinar
ATTAIN Bus Operator Apprenticeship Meeting
Women in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations (WANTO) Technical Assistance Grant Program
Intelligent Transport Podcast: Discussing the creation of ‘Mentors Moving Metro’
Advancing Opportunities for Women through Apprenticeship: A Case-Based Resource Guide
Creating a Skilled and Diverse Workforce for Infrastructure Projects through Registered Apprenticeship
Joint Office of Energy and Transportation Workforce Development Resources
Talking Bus Operator Mentorship – Unlocking the Potential of New Bus Operators through Mentoring

Career Pathways

Upskilling Frontline Workers: Three Strategies to Future-Proof your Workforce
College-to-Jobs Initiative: Policy and Practice Series
Transit Career Stories
APTA’s Workforce Clearinghouse
Mississippi’s Developing Responsible Individuals with Valuable Education (DRIVE) Program
Women in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations (WANTO) Technical Assistance Grant Program
Regional Alliances and Multistakeholder Partnerships to Stimulate (RAMPS) Cybersecurity Education and Workforce Development
Intelligent Transport Podcast: Discussing the creation of ‘Mentors Moving Metro’
Advancing Opportunities for Women through Apprenticeship: A Case-Based Resource Guide
Creating a Skilled and Diverse Workforce for Infrastructure Projects through Registered Apprenticeship

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access

Transit Career Stories
Employer Guide to Hiring Veterans
Latino Workforce and Recruitment Webinar
Mississippi’s Developing Responsible Individuals with Valuable Education (DRIVE) Program
Women in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations (WANTO) Technical Assistance Grant Program
Advancing Opportunities for Women through Apprenticeship: A Case-Based Resource Guide
Understanding Workforce Diversity in the Transit Industry: Establishing a Baseline of Diversity Demographics
Creating a Skilled and Diverse Workforce for Infrastructure Projects through Registered Apprenticeship
Transit Workforce Data Dashboard Webinar: Harnessing the Power of Data for Transit Workforce Development
How to Deal with the Worker Shortage and Evolving Skill Requirements of the Public Transport Sector

Funding Opportunities

Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grants
FY24 Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grants Program
Communities Taking Charge Accelerator
Women in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations (WANTO) Technical Assistance Grant Program
Regional Alliances and Multistakeholder Partnerships to Stimulate (RAMPS) Cybersecurity Education and Workforce Development
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding Opportunities
Joint Office of Energy and Transportation Workforce Development Resources
Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants Program
Tribal Nations Funding Opportunities
Enhanced Transit Safety and Crime Prevention Initiative FTA Funding Sources Factsheet

Hiring and Recruitment

College-to-Jobs Initiative: Policy and Practice Series
Employer Guide to Hiring Veterans
APTA’s Workforce Clearinghouse
Developing Transit Talent Pipelines
Latino Workforce and Recruitment Webinar
ATTAIN Bus Operator Apprenticeship Meeting
Mississippi’s Developing Responsible Individuals with Valuable Education (DRIVE) Program
3 Ways to Make Bus Driving a Better Job
Good Transit Requires Well Paid Union Workers
Transit, Belabored: Issues and Futures for California’s Frontline Transit Workforce

Labor-Management Partnerships

ATTAIN Bus Operator Apprenticeship Meeting
Intelligent Transport Podcast: Discussing the creation of ‘Mentors Moving Metro’
Talking Bus Operator Mentorship – Unlocking the Potential of New Bus Operators through Mentoring
Case Study: Golden Gate Transit & Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1575
Mentoring: A Tool for Employee Engagement & Retention
Peer Mentoring Program Increases Retention and Decreases Absences of New Drivers
Women in Frontline Transit Apprenticeships
The High Road to Public Transit
Approaches to Childcare Support in the Transit Industry
ATTAIN Rail and Facilities Apprenticeship Meeting

Making Connections Conference

Making Connections 2022 – Designing Safety: Bus of the Future and Beyond
Making Connections 2022 – Online Training and Learning Technologies
Making Connections 2022 – Transit Instructional Systems Design Boot Camp
Making Connections 2022 – Moving Forward Together: Creating and Sustaining Successful Labor-Management Partnerships
Making Connections 2022 – Mentoring: A Great Route to Frontline Workforce Development
Making Connections 2022 – Out of the Box Strategies: Using Partnerships to Strengthen Recruitment, Retention and the Advancement of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access
Making Connections 2022 – Driving Bus Operator Recruitment and Retention: Challenges, Opportunities and Innovation
Making Connections 2022 – Designing an Impactful Training Program: Linking Program Design to Classroom Learning and On-The-Job Training for Transit Frontline Workers
Making Connections 2022 – Meeting Industry Needs: Feedback Session on FTA’s Draft Strategic Workforce Development Plan
Making Connections 2022 – Considerations on the Future of Human-Automation Teaming in the Transit Workforce


College-to-Jobs Initiative: Policy and Practice Series
Transit Career Stories
ATTAIN Bus Maintenance Apprenticeship Webinar
ATTAIN Bus Operator Apprenticeship Meeting
Intelligent Transport Podcast: Discussing the creation of ‘Mentors Moving Metro’
Advancing Opportunities for Women through Apprenticeship: A Case-Based Resource Guide
Creating a Skilled and Diverse Workforce for Infrastructure Projects through Registered Apprenticeship
Talking Bus Operator Mentorship – Unlocking the Potential of New Bus Operators through Mentoring
Making a Positive Impact: GCRTA and ATU Local 268’s Operator Mentoring Program
Case Study: Golden Gate Transit & Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1575

Policy and Planning

Assessing Lifestyle and Human Costs of Bus Operator Workstation Design and Components
Developing Best-Practice Guidelines for Improving Bus Operator Health and Retention
Developing Transit Talent Pipelines
Mississippi’s Developing Responsible Individuals with Valuable Education (DRIVE) Program
Realizing the Workforce Potential of Infrastructure Investments
National Outreach Survey for Transportation (NOST)
Fatigue Resources for Transit Operations
Zeroing in on New Standards for the Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Fleet
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding Opportunities
3 Ways to Make Bus Driving a Better Job


Realizing the Workforce Potential of Infrastructure Investments
Transit Workforce Center Resources and Best Practices for a Zero Emission-Workforce Fleet Transition Plan
Bus Electrification: The Role Agencies Can Play in Workforce Equity
A Zero-Emission Transition for the U.S. Transit Fleet
Guidebook for Deploying Zero-Emission Transit Buses
Zero-Emission Bus Implementation Guidebook for California Transit Fleets
Battery Electric Buses—State of the Practice
The Workforce Challenge
Attracting, Retaining, and Developing the 2030 Transportation Workforce
Building Pathways to Infrastructure Careers: Framework for Preparing an Infrastructure Workforce

Program Evaluation and ROI

Pathway to Promote Diversity within Public Transit Workforce
Tool for Measuring the Cost of Turnover
TWC’s Transit Workforce Data Dashboard
Making Connections 2022 – Meeting Industry Needs: Feedback Session on FTA’s Draft Strategic Workforce Development Plan
Making Connections 2022 – Conference Overview and Videos
Expanding Apprenticeship: Return on Investment (ROI)
Apprenticeship is a Win-Win for Workers and Employers
Metrics of Success Series
Quality Training Pays: Training Investment Pays for Itself Six Times Over
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Joint Workforce Investment Program


Assessing Lifestyle and Human Costs of Bus Operator Workstation Design and Components
Employer Guide to Hiring Veterans
Developing Best-Practice Guidelines for Improving Bus Operator Health and Retention
Developing Transit Talent Pipelines
Latino Workforce and Recruitment Webinar
3 Ways to Make Bus Driving a Better Job
Good Transit Requires Well Paid Union Workers
Transit, Belabored: Issues and Futures for California’s Frontline Transit Workforce
Advancing Opportunities for Women through Apprenticeship: A Case-Based Resource Guide
Guidebook for Recruiting, Developing, and Retaining Transit Managers for Fixed-Route Bus and Paratransit Systems

Safety and Health

Assessing Lifestyle and Human Costs of Bus Operator Workstation Design and Components
Developing Best-Practice Guidelines for Improving Bus Operator Health and Retention
National Outreach Survey for Transportation (NOST)
Fatigue Resources for Transit Operations
3 Ways to Make Bus Driving a Better Job
Mental Health, Wellness, and Resilience for Transit System Workers
De-Escalation Training Resource Directory
Passenger Assistance, Safety And Sensitivity (PASS) Program Handbook
Addressing Difficult Customer Situations
Transit Exclusion Policies in Public Transportation Systems

Trainer and Mentor Development

Upskilling Frontline Workers: Three Strategies to Future-Proof your Workforce
College-to-Jobs Initiative: Policy and Practice Series
ATTAIN Bus Maintenance Apprenticeship Webinar
APTA’s Workforce Clearinghouse
Case Study: Golden Gate Transit & Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1575
Lesson Planning Webinar: Basics to Best Practices
Battery Electric Bus Familiarization Course
Bus Maintenance Apprenticeship On-the-Job Learning Task Book
Violence in the Transit Workplace – Prevention, Response and Recovery (Train the Trainer)
Assault Awareness and Prevention for Transit Operators (Train the Trainer)


Upskilling Frontline Workers: Three Strategies to Future-Proof your Workforce
College-to-Jobs Initiative: Policy and Practice Series
ATTAIN Bus Maintenance Apprenticeship Webinar
APTA’s Workforce Clearinghouse
Mississippi’s Developing Responsible Individuals with Valuable Education (DRIVE) Program
National Outreach Survey for Transportation (NOST)
Fatigue Resources for Transit Operations
Regional Alliances and Multistakeholder Partnerships to Stimulate (RAMPS) Cybersecurity Education and Workforce Development
Zeroing in on New Standards for the Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Fleet
How to train for the Bus – The Zero Emission Bus (ZEB)

Workforce Shortage

Developing Transit Talent Pipelines
Latino Workforce and Recruitment Webinar
Mississippi’s Developing Responsible Individuals with Valuable Education (DRIVE) Program
3 Ways to Make Bus Driving a Better Job
Good Transit Requires Well Paid Union Workers
Transit, Belabored: Issues and Futures for California’s Frontline Transit Workforce
Transit Workforce Data Dashboard Webinar: Harnessing the Power of Data for Transit Workforce Development
Joint Office of Energy and Transportation Workforce Development Resources
Guidebook for Recruiting, Developing, and Retaining Transit Managers for Fixed-Route Bus and Paratransit Systems
How to Deal with the Worker Shortage and Evolving Skill Requirements of the Public Transport Sector

Zero Emission Buses

Powering Up the Workforce: Transit Workforce Center’s Zero-Emission Bus Resources Webinar
Developing Transit Talent Pipelines
Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grants
Communities Taking Charge Accelerator
Zeroing in on New Standards for the Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Fleet
How to train for the Bus – The Zero Emission Bus (ZEB)
Joint Office of Energy and Transportation Workforce Development Resources
Clean Bus Planning Awards
Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District’s Zero Emission Technology
Tribal Nations Funding Opportunities