5 Tip Sheets for Working with Older Adults
UMaine Center on Aging & AmeriCorps Seniors
July 2025
Given current workforce shortages, reaching out and engaging older workers is of interest to many employers The AmeriCorps Seniors research team developed five older adult workforce program tip sheets on topics relevant to interacting with older adults in the workforce. You can view the tip sheets on the project website, which are linked here:
Apprentice Trailblazer Initiative
The Apprentice Trailblazer Initiative is designed to create a national network of diverse apprentices and apprenticeship graduates of all ages and backgrounds to feature their stories and hear their perspectives, show how Registered Apprenticeships increase opportunities for underserved populations, and bring awareness to other career seekers who may be interested in becoming apprentices.
Department of Labor; ApprenticeshipUSA
TOPICS: Apprenticeship , Career Pathways , Mentorship
Transit Mentorship Metrics: Positive Signs for Retention, Attendance, and Additional Outcomes
Transit Workforce Center
June 2023
TOPICS: Apprenticeship , Mentorship , Policy and Planning , Retention , Training
This fact sheet provides overviews of four of the country’s most robust bus operator mentoring programs and preliminary data on the success of these programs (as of Spring 2023). Operator mentorship programs pair seasoned bus operators with new ones for technical skill instruction and/or individualized coaching and support to help mentees be successful in their new positions. They leverage institutional knowledge and incumbent workers’ expertise to improve training and support for new workers. The Mentoring Fact Sheet provides insight into the role mentorship programs can play in improving retention rates of workers, decrease unexcused absences, reduce rates of recorded violations, and lower complaints.
Apprenticeship Start-up Summary
These summaries outline the steps to tailor an effective Registered Apprenticeship (RA) program. These steps can be completed in order or, in some cases, concurrently. Apprenticeship programs are customizable to meet the employers’ skill requirements.
April 2023
TOPICS: Apprenticeship , Career Pathways , Labor-Management Partnerships , Mentorship , Training
If the workforce for the occupation to be registered as an apprenticeship is represented by a labor union, the employer and union would register the program as an Individual Joint program. If the workforce is not represented, the program would be registered as an Individual Non-Joint program by the employer.
Five Charts To Understand Black Registered Apprentices in the United States
Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
March 2023
The Joint Center’s issue brief, Five Charts To Understand Black Registered Apprentices in the United States, analyzes data reported in the Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Database System (RAPIDS) from the U.S. Department of Labor to highlight structural barriers that Black apprentices face. To achieve racially equitable outcomes in apprenticeship programs, policymakers and apprenticeship coordinators must understand these challenges.
TWC’s Transit Workforce Data Dashboard
Launched in March, 2023, the Transit Workforce Data Dashboard presents quantitative, descriptive data about the composition of the transit workforce and trends in transit employment using a series of charts and graphics. This information is relevant for industry discussions in a range of contexts, including: strategic workforce planning in recruitment, retention, and other areas; examining and addressing opportunities and challenges related to workforce demographics; and identifying training and funding needs.
Transit Workforce Center
March 2023
Making Connections 2022 – Meeting Industry Needs: Feedback Session on FTA’s Draft Strategic Workforce Development Plan
Transit Workforce Center & Federal Transit Administration
December 2022
Feedback collected during this session and in subsequent engagements informed the development of FTA’s National Transit Workforce Development Strategic Plan 2023 to 2028, which has since been released.
- Mary Leary: Acting Associate Administrator for Research, Demonstration and Innovation – Federal Transit Administration
This handout was shared with participants in a feedback session held during TWC’s Making Connections 2022 transit workforce conference in December, 2022.
Enhanced Transit Safety and Crime Prevention Initiative FTA Funding Sources Factsheet
To help ensure the continued safety of our nation’s public transit systems, FTA launched the Enhanced Transit Safety and Crime Prevention Initiative to provide information and resources to help transit agencies address and prevent crime on their systems and protect transit workers and riders.
Federal Transit Administration
November 2022
TOPICS: Funding Opportunities , Safety and Health
Veterans in Registered Apprenticeship
This fact sheet provides an overview of how veteran-specific public benefits can be applied to support a veteran’s completion of a registered apprenticeship program. It also provides links to resources for more detailed information on apprenticeship resources for service members, employment resources for veterans, and more.
August 2022
Transit Workforce Center
The Transit Workforce Center (TWC) is the Federal Transit Administration’s first ever national technical assistance center for transit workforce development. Its mission is to help urban, suburban, tribal, and rural public transportation entities recruit, hire, train, and retain the diverse workforce needed now and in the future.
This fact sheet summarizes the TWC’s mission, initiatives, and services.
Transit Workforce Center
March 2022
TOPICS: Apprenticeship , Mentorship , Policy and Planning , Training
The Road to Zero Emission Buses — National Coordinated Effort to Prepare Frontline Technicians
Transit Workforce Center
March 2022
TOPICS: Hiring and Recruitment , Policy and Planning , Procurement , Training , Zero Emission Buses
Transitioning from work with the 12- and 24-volts electrical systems in traditional diesel and CNG buses to Zero Emissions Buses (ZEBs), with upwards of 800 volts, requires a significant commitment to additional skills training and development. The Transit Workforce Center is producing critical resources as part of a nationally coordinated effort to help prepare frontline technicians with the training needed to meet the challenges and demands of this new technology. This document summarizes our ZEB resources.
ATTAIN One-page Handout
The American Transit Training and Apprenticeship Innovators Network (ATTAIN) provides public transit agencies and their frontline workers opportunities to engage in peer exchanges about transit apprenticeships,
including their creation, structure, operation, and benefits. ATTAIN coordinates various forums that allow transit agencies with existing apprenticeship programs to share experiences in developing, strengthening, and expanding their programs. It also offers peer support and expertise to transit agencies interested in exploring the creation of new apprenticeship programs.
Check out the one-pager for quick info about ATTAIN!
Transit Workforce Center
September 2021
Quality Training Pays: Training Investment Pays for Itself Six Times Over
You never know how well you are doing until you find metrics with which you can measure outcomes. The Transportation Learning Center has capitalized on this insight through a series of in-depth research reports chronicling work by labor-management partnerships in Philadelphia, PA and Albany, NY. This fact sheet outlines these findings and shows a substantial return on training investment.
International Transportation Learning Center
June 2011
Transit Partnership Pays: Working Together – Everybody Wins
This report highlights the evidence that the most successful, cost efficient and durable training systems come from industry based labor-management partnerships.
International Transportation Learning Center
September 2009
TOPICS: Apprenticeship , Labor-Management Partnerships
Current Practices of Rail Vehicle Technician Training and Measures of Competency
This 2009 ILTC brief summarizes findings from a survey on best practices in rail car maintenance, based on recommendations from the RCRP E-7 Panel.
International Transportation Learning Center
January 2009
TOPICS: Policy and Planning , Training